Dec 31, 2020
This episode features husband and wife team Sam & Andrea Nichols of Nichols Painting in Souix Falls, SD. They started their business in May 2020, and we discuss getting started during a pandemic, how they prepared to leave their former jobs and go into business for themselves, and much more.
Check them out here:
Dec 31, 2020
This episode features Scott Burt of Topcoat Finishes in Jericho, VT. In addition to running a fantastic business, Scott has put an emphasis on educating other tradespeople in person and through his writing. And it turns out that Scott's writing had a huge impact on Noah's career, so there was a ton to talk about....
Dec 31, 2020
Noah kicks off season 2 with some updates and sets the tone for what to expect during season 2!
Find Noah here:
And sponsors here: